Almost done!

Greetings, it is I, The Anax!  I am very excited!  As most of you probably already hang in in the DISCORD, you probably keep up with my work day-to-day as it is!  But in the SPOILERS channel, I just uploaded the ending credits last night for a sneak preview!  And that was the final bit of work on my end!  My fan, Mars, that volunteered to be enslaved and abused a programmer, will finish up all the new systems I asked for and this game will start the usual trickledown on my Patreon.

My patrons will hopefully help me find any bugs, typos, or crashes as it moves down the investment tiers.  Once my $5 patrons have the game for a week, and if it seems totally solid, I will then upload the FINAL release here!  I cannot wait to share it with you as this alpha version is just a shadow of the actual vision I had, and thanks to my fan, Mars, my creative vision will be as close to realized as Renpy can do!  I am very excited!

So, as always, I invite you to join the Discord and chat with me!  I have also showed off all the other movies being added to the game for if you win or if you get a game over!  (Yes on Game Mode now, if you fail- it's over!)  Otherwise, expect sometime in the near future to see me make a post here and release the game in FULL!  Another project completed and then I can get back to my Giggle Night game!

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